Friday, May 17, 2019

How to get to Longmu Island

Domestic Longmu Island
At present, there is no direct flight from China to Longmu Island, which needs to be transferred. Generally, there are the following options:
1. Domestic-Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)-Longmu Island (cheapest option)
If you buy a connecting ticket at the time of transfer, you do not need to enter Kuala Lumpur, there is a transfer channel directly, and the checked Beihai to Bangkok flight luggage will also be transferred to you directly. You do not need to take it out and deal with it again.
If you buy a separate ticket, you need to check out and re-check into the airport, and if you have checked baggage, you also need to take it out and recheck it.
How to get to Longmu Island in China how to get to Longmu Island
2. Domestic-Singapore-Longmu Island
This route is more suitable for tourists who go to Singapore first and then transfer to Longmu Island. Singapore tickets are relatively expensive.
3. Domestic _ Bali _ Long-sight (most provincial and shortest)
There is a direct flight to Bali in the country, and only about 40 minutes is required for the island to fly in the island.
The above routes, plus the transfer time, take Bangkok to Yinchuan flight at least eight or nine hours, which is equivalent to two full days for round trip, so friends with short holidays do not recommend such a twists and turns.
Bali Longmu Island
1. Plane: there are many flights from Bali to Longdao, and the price is very cheap, it is about one or two hundred yuan, and the flight is about 40 minutes.
2. Speedboat: there are also several speedboats a day from Bali, about 2 hours by boat, with a fare of about 200 yuan.
Surabaya, Yogyakarta and other places to Longmu Island also have a number of flights, the fare is about 300 yuan.

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