Sunday, March 1, 2020

India's high-speed rail opened its first day with a crowd chanting that it had overtaken China, but three days later it became an international laughing stock

In recent years, the country has been constantly developing, and India is also catching up with the trend of development, so their living standards have also been greatly improved, India as our country's neighbors, they are very fond of contrasting with our country, but also in many ways want a high-speed, and India also knows that our high-speed rail in the world is a remarkable achievement, so they also want to build their own high-speed rail.
Later, with the constant efforts of the Indian people, they online air tickets also built a luxury high-speed rail route, especially on the first day of the opening of the Indian high-speed rail, the people here were even more directly chanting that their high-speed rail had far exceeded that of China, and that, as India's first high-speed rail route, the Indian people were very happy that they had built the high-speed rail over China's high-speed rail, and that India's high-speed rail had reached 300 kilometers per hour. This also greatly exceeds China's high-speed rail speed.
Although the Indian people are very happy, but plane tickets to shanghai when India's high-speed rail operation, but the slap in the face. The interior of the high-speed rail is indeed very luxurious. Because there's a HD screen at the back of each seat. But India's government overestimates the quality of its people.
The third day after the opening of India's high-speed rail. Many of the high-speed rail facilities have been destroyed by the public. Even the screen behind the high-speed rail seat was stolen by Indians. At first they said 300 kilometers an hour, but at the time of operation it was only 120 kilometers an hour. This is a far cry, so India's high-speed rail has become an international laughing stock.

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