As we use the LCD LCD screen, we occasionally encounter the situation of the
flash screen, so what is the main cause of the flash screen? Today for the
specific analysis of everyone, I hope to help you.
TN Beach Car LCD Screen
1) check if there is interference near the LCD LCD screen, such as high
power audio, power transformer. LCD is easily disturbed by strong embedded LCD
display or strong magnetic fields, and sometimes screen jitter is caused by
magnetic field or electric field near LCD.
2) if it's a liquid crystal display, in order to remove all the interference
around the liquid crystal display, you can move the computer to a table
surrounded by empty, and then do the boot test. If the phenomenon of screen
jitter disappears, then the original place of your computer has strong electric
field or strong magnetic field interference, please remove the suspicious things
(such as subwoofer, magnetized cup, etc.) from the vicinity of the computer.
3) turn off the LCD and re-open it several times to achieve the purpose of
demagnetization (the current display has automatic demagnetization function when
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